About Virtual China

    Virtual China is an exploration of virtual experiences and environments in and about China. The topic is also the primary research area for the Institute for the Future's Asia Focus Program in 2006. IFTF is an independent, nonprofit strategic research group with more than 35 years of forecasting experience based in Palo Alto, CA.
    Lyn Jeffery is a cultural anthropologist and Research Director at the Insitute for the Future, where she leads its Asia Focus Program.
    Jason Li is currently a design research intern at Adaptive Path. He previously worked at IFTF & Microsoft Research Asia, and recently graduated from Brown University.
    Nan Yang is a freelancer in Shanghai whose many projects include part-time Mandarin teacher at MandarinShanghai.com, assistant for Eric Eldred from Creative Commons, translating manager for gOFFICE, translator for MeMedia, member of Social Brain Foundation, and author of 1idea1day.com. She is also passionate to take part in small and innovative seminars in Shanghai.

About Asia Focus

  • In response to the great need for foresight about Asia, IFTF has launched the Asia Focus Program. Asia Focus research topics are large-scale, under-explored areas from which unexpected futures will emerge. It is part of IFTF's flagship program, the Ten-Year Forecast Program, which provides a broad scan of the environment and is a leading source of foresight for a vangard of business, government, and nonprofit organizations.

About the Institute for the Future

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January 29, 2007



...interesting...military style..hehe


Last time I was in a 网吧 in Suzhou, my husband was trying to play the online game, Half Life. During the game, one of the players was doing really well and another player said in game "KEEP SHOOTING LIKE THAT AND YOULL GET INTO THE PLA IN NO TIME!"

(The fact that the rehab is military style reminded me of this.)

China Internet Market Blog

hillarious - are they for real! I guess in this world there is always someone who will find a way to make money of everything - ex. militia are not exception.


This guys are all in rich family.The reason is the bad education.In China,15-18 students have to spend at least 9 hours in classroom everyday.(in grade 3,it will increase to 10-12 hours)NO time to playing basketball/football.if you do something else you will be criticized by teachers and parents.90% parents will send their child to high school and most of other school are full of BAD guys.Only poor guys will take Goldfarmer as a job.and also,most of them will doing it in servers abroad.seldom could earn $ in China.here is full of Tojans and hackers.90% of game gold is made by hackers.


Trojans,lost a r
15-18,if they have good luck they'll get 1 day for a rest everyweek.if not,1 day in 2 week.most of officals believe that chain us in a room longer they get more campus students ,then more scientist .What a fantastic world i was live in


hillarious - are they for real! I guess in this world there is always someone who will find a way to make money of everything - ex. militia are not exception.

they are just in a kinda summer camp.their parents paid to the army.the army train them.

an emigration country will hard to imagine why a Chinese/English/Korean soldier will doing a hard job with so less $.If you lost ur land you can go to some other land.but we couldn't.we live here for more than 5000 years.we love this place.

Volunteer in Asia

This is a very significant blog. Your discussion here is very reflective to the current situation we had in our community. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep up the good job in posting very good topics.

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