About Virtual China

    Virtual China is an exploration of virtual experiences and environments in and about China. The topic is also the primary research area for the Institute for the Future's Asia Focus Program in 2006. IFTF is an independent, nonprofit strategic research group with more than 35 years of forecasting experience based in Palo Alto, CA.
    Lyn Jeffery is a cultural anthropologist and Research Director at the Insitute for the Future, where she leads its Asia Focus Program.
    Jason Li is currently a design research intern at Adaptive Path. He previously worked at IFTF & Microsoft Research Asia, and recently graduated from Brown University.
    Nan Yang is a freelancer in Shanghai whose many projects include part-time Mandarin teacher at MandarinShanghai.com, assistant for Eric Eldred from Creative Commons, translating manager for gOFFICE, translator for MeMedia, member of Social Brain Foundation, and author of 1idea1day.com. She is also passionate to take part in small and innovative seminars in Shanghai.

About Asia Focus

  • In response to the great need for foresight about Asia, IFTF has launched the Asia Focus Program. Asia Focus research topics are large-scale, under-explored areas from which unexpected futures will emerge. It is part of IFTF's flagship program, the Ten-Year Forecast Program, which provides a broad scan of the environment and is a leading source of foresight for a vangard of business, government, and nonprofit organizations.

About the Institute for the Future

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August 10, 2007


Stephen Frost

I saw this the other day, and as a father of a six-year-old girl was very interested. But I did a quick test to see how safe it really is for children and it didn't perform very well. For instance, searching for 女 (woman) with the 图片 (images) function resulted in this page coming up first (not work safe or for children whose parents don't want them to see people having sex or upskirt shots). I checked out the normal Baidu search function and it resulted in exactly the same page.

It actually performs very well with some search terms, which result in sites especially designed for children. But if you can't do an image search for "woman" that results in pictures appropriate for children, then I wouldn't be encouraging my daughter to use it for her homework.


Hmmm. Well, it's still beta, so there IS hope, but as you point out, it's a bad sign so far :p


Baidu in China is like Google in the US. Keywords advertisement on Baidu in China has been proven to be as effective as keyword advertisement on Google in the US. If you had to choose one search engine to advertise in China, you should choose Baidu

AmeriChinaB2B Inc, which runs the most visited US-China business to business (B2B) web platforms, now offers services to enable US businesses to advertise on Baidu.com. These services will help US businesses export to China, the world's fastest growing market.
Any US business that thinks about exporting to China will want to consider keywords advertisement on Baidu, which is the leading search engine in China. As of today, Baidu has over 60% of the search market share in China.
For more information, please check: http://www.acb2b.com and http://www.acb2b.cn

Stephen Frost

Moonzie is pushing a product here, right? I noticed his other comments, all of which end up with the same URL. It's an interesting form of spam; highly time consuming but extremely well targetted. Here is Moonzie popping up again. Here are some Google results that show Moonzie is hitting China blogs pretty hard on this. The question is: Who is Moonzie? This seems to be worth a story in itself!


since we're on this topic, i like this page that compares the both key searchengines:

it's gonna be a difficult battle for google, and compared to ebay, alot of the difficulty is cultural and political too.

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