I've always wondered when this would start--this is the worldwide web after all. TV Links, a website in the UK, works as a linkfinder for streaming movies, TV shows, anime, cartoons, and documentaries. While some of the links are to sites like Veoh, Stage 6 (especially for material before 1990) and occasionally Google Video, for its current movies TV Links takes advantage of widespread free English-language content hosted on Chinese sites like Tudou, Youku, 56.com, and Ouou. No need to visit these sites directly and do a search; TV Links has about 2000 movies all there for you. And TVL has a big group of volunteers who scour the web for additional links. Eventually this model might also work for MP3s, but mainstream musical tastes are different enough in mainland, US, and Europe that there's just not enough musical overlap yet.
According to Alexa, TV Links has a traffic rank of 214 and nearly 40% of users are from the U.S.
There is a service that does this for MP3s. It's called QBox and it's from a Corean company.
Posted by: Anon | September 26, 2007 at 12:45 PM