About Virtual China

    Virtual China is an exploration of virtual experiences and environments in and about China. The topic is also the primary research area for the Institute for the Future's Asia Focus Program in 2006. IFTF is an independent, nonprofit strategic research group with more than 35 years of forecasting experience based in Palo Alto, CA.
    Lyn Jeffery is a cultural anthropologist and Research Director at the Insitute for the Future, where she leads its Asia Focus Program.
    Jason Li is currently a design research intern at Adaptive Path. He previously worked at IFTF & Microsoft Research Asia, and recently graduated from Brown University.
    Nan Yang is a freelancer in Shanghai whose many projects include part-time Mandarin teacher at MandarinShanghai.com, assistant for Eric Eldred from Creative Commons, translating manager for gOFFICE, translator for MeMedia, member of Social Brain Foundation, and author of 1idea1day.com. She is also passionate to take part in small and innovative seminars in Shanghai.

About Asia Focus

  • In response to the great need for foresight about Asia, IFTF has launched the Asia Focus Program. Asia Focus research topics are large-scale, under-explored areas from which unexpected futures will emerge. It is part of IFTF's flagship program, the Ten-Year Forecast Program, which provides a broad scan of the environment and is a leading source of foresight for a vangard of business, government, and nonprofit organizations.

About the Institute for the Future

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December 19, 2007


wholesale dropshippers vendors sources

this is so cool. I just love to sing karaoke.

Varick Hudson

"learn to sing at home"

There are many sources on the World Wide Web where you can find online vocal lessons for free, for instance YouTube and Vimeo just to name a few. All of those sites can offer great value to people who want to learn something new - for example to “learn to sing at home”, but they are not the only resources.

If you seriously want to “learn to sing at home, you should consider paying for lessons to ensure you're getting professional help. There are many products on the market that offer singing lesson packages for beginners.

Learning to sing can be a costly and time consuming process as there is an amazing amount of detail you have to learn for a truly sweet voice. Many turn to learn to sing at home software as an alternative to finding a singing coach. While some might say you lose a lot of nuance when you learn from audio or computer courses the advantages of software over human tutoring are more than you might think.

For instance, convenience. Having to go to lessons at a set time every week may be easy for some people to keep but, in a busy lifestyle things can get in the way and you may have to miss lessons or those lessons get in the way of your work or social life. A software solution or learn to sing at home solution, allows you to learn to sing any time.

If you want to do long sessions you can, if you choose to divide them into shorter sessions you can choose those too. The convenience of learn to sing at home software is easy to see and with laptop computers and mp3 players you can take them anywhere with you too! Mobile learning allows you to achieve more.

Singorama is one of the best learn to sing at home programs out there. Not many other singing packages match the well researched and well integrated techniques imbued in this software.

In the end some people feel more comfortable using a computer and practicing in the comfort of their own home than being scrutinized by an instructor.

With Singorama’s learn to sing at home software kit, you’re sure to find it to be well-suited for you and that it gives you satisfying results. Singorama’s singing materials incorporate cutting-edge technology with a fun teaching technique to ensure that students keep their spirits up while they learn to sing at home. Visit http://www.singorama.com/?hop=jfort1955 now, to learn to sing at home.


I was told that onlinekaraoke24.com will be a great online karaoke site.

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